itellyouwhatithink.com is designed for those who enjoy being engaged by sights and sounds.
Of course, that can take many forms – everything from relaxation to strong mental stimulation.
Let’s face it, most of us appreciate a good movie, show, concert or exhibition and a memorable travel experience.
We like being moved (sometimes to tears), educated and amused.
Conversely, a lacklustre film, play, musical, concert or exhibition or a less than fulfilling trip can leave us flat and disappointed – angry even.
As a senior journalist, editor and purveyor of the arts and tourism who majored in communications and cinema, I was brought up by parents who were avid theatre goers.
I have been reviewing film, theatre, musical theatre, concerts, exhibitions and travel in print and online, on television, radio and podcasts for more than 30 years.
Over this time, I have seen more than 10,000 films, together with thousands of shows, concerts and exhibitions, and travelled extensively.
As a result, I am comfortable selecting the wheat from the chaff, although I stress what you will find on this site are purely my opinions – my likes and loves, dislikes and bugbears.
As I see it, my job is to provide guidance on what is good, bad and ugly – what should be seen and done, and what should be approached with caution or avoided altogether.
By all means share your thoughts as you click and read mine. And, of course, I welcome feedback, but please avoid any rude, racist, sexist or ageist remarks.
Happy viewing and travelling.
Alex First
Entertainment and Travel Reviewer